The IEM has a database archive of AWC G-AIRMETs since their inception on about 3 March 2021. The IEM also maintains an archive of the raw XML text, which you can find listed on the main AFOS List Page for KKCI. These products are assigned a product identifier of GMT on that page.

Related: CWSU Center Weather Advisories PIREPs SIGMETs TAFs Temp/Winds Aloft

Backend documentation exists for those wishing to script against this service.

Time Interval for G-AIRMET Issue Time (G-AIRMETISSUETIME) (UTC)
YearMonthDay HourMinute


Shapefile DBF schema:

Field 0: Type=C/String, Title=`NAME', GML_ID + VALID_AT timestamp
Field 1: Type=C/String, Title=`LABEL', Event label from GML_ID
Field 2: Type=C/String, Title=`GML_ID', Verbatim GML_ID from product
Field 3: Type=C/String, Title=`VALID_AT', UTC Valid At time (gml:timePosition)
Field 4: Type=C/String, Title=`VALID_FM', UTC From Time (G-AIRMETVALIDFROM)
Field 5: Type=C/String, Title=`VALID_TO', UTC To Time (G-AIRMETVALIDTO)
Field 6: Type=C/String, Title=`ISSUTIME', UTC Issue Time (G-AIRMETISSUETIME)
Field 7: Type=C/String, Title=`PROD_ID', IEM Text Product ID
Field 8: Type=C/String, Title=`STATUS', Status of AIRMET
Field 9: Type=C/String, Title=`HZTYPE', Hazard Type
Field 10: Type=C/String, Title=`WXCOND', Comma list of weather conditions

Archive / Usage Notes: