This form provides access to the raw observations from the NWS COOP network. The date presented in the download is the date on which the observation was made! The observations represent a 24 hour period prior to the timestamp on the observation. These observations are typically made around 7 AM localtime.

Select from State:

1. Select Station(s):

2. Select Start/End Date:

These dates are the date of the observation and do not always represent a local calendar day!.


3. How to view?

4. Data Delimitation:

How shall the output values be seperated?

Submit Form:

Download variable description

nwsli National Weather Service Location Identifier
date  Date the observation was taken
time  Time (local timezone) the observation was taken
high_F      24 Hour High Temperature [F]
low_F       24 Hour Low Temperature [F]
precip      24 Hour Precipitation [inch]
snow_inch   24 Hour Snowfall [inch]
snowd_inch  Snow Depth [inch] at observation