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1336 Views 20 July Power Outage


At about 12:30 PM CDT on 20 July 2019, much of Ames and Iowa State University lost power. This took out all IEM computing resources :) At about 2:03 PM, power was restored and about 2:30 PM I was able to get all IEM computing back on its feet. There are still some sick data flows and services and will update this news item as things are repaired. Thanks for your patience.

Update 8:30 PM: After great gnashing of teeth, everything should be back to normal now. A data hole still exists that I will repair over the coming days. Thanks for your patience.

Update 22 July, 8:00 AM: Issues continue to be found and fixed, but please let me know if there is something still broken. At this point, figuring out what is broken is the toughest portion of the battle.