IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 17 January 2022

Tonga wave passage #2

Posted: 17 Jan 2022 07:56 PM

Yesterday's daily feature presented a sparkline map showing the passage of waves from the Hunga Tonga volcano eruption. Today's map presents the second wave passage event over the contiguous US, this one traversed the globe in the other direction and so arriving on the east coast first. This lapse is from early Sunday morning and guess what, there are still more lapses to be shown as the waves continue to propagate around the globe. It is unclear when these waves will disappear, but given the size of the eruption and some limited literature on previous documented events, it is likely soon. So these waves are not really impacting sensible weather any, but are certainly extremely interesting! Qualitatively, it seems like this wave strength was stronger, but the reasons are not clear and maybe an artifact of time of day and/or how this particular metric is being presented here.

Good = 23
Bad = 0

Tags:   tonga   volcano   pressure