IEM Daily Feature
Monday, 20 December 2021

Extreme Storm Motion

Posted: 20 Dec 2021 05:35 AM

Continuing the theme of highlighting the exceptional weather last Wednesday, today's featured chart presents a climatology of storm motion as specified within NWS Tornado Warnings issued by the Des Moines office. Since 2007, these warnings contain an analyzed storm motion with a travel direction and speed. The featured chart shows all these warning combinations with those from the last event highlighted by a red cross. So while the direction of travel, from approximately the southwest and thus in the northeast direction, was typical for tornado producing storms, the storm speed was anything but typical. Only one other warning on record is shown within the cluster of warnings happening last Wednesday in the 75 to 85 MPH range. Just incredible to see these extreme storm motions with numerous storms that produced confirmed tornadoes and let alone this happening during December!

Good = 11
Bad = 1

Tags:   dec152021